Thursday, May 22, 2014

So much idiot managements and ownerships, so much abuse and misuse of people and employees, so much unfair and unjust, too many times presumed guilty rather than innocent, and even when the proof is that one is innocent, one is STILL considered guilty.
It's that sad a place, this America, far too often. If corruption, malfeasance, lying, cheating, slumming, slacking off, taking the easy way out, and so forth...there's the trickle down theory I see...For one thing, for the past twenty four years, we've had corruption in the White House, abuses of power, lies, misleading statements, untruths. It's to the level I do not believe what is said by anyone from there.
Same holds for Congress. Same holds for much of the judicial branch, too. And it trickles on down, from the top powers to the next level of power, and so on, down, down, down, with lowered ethics, lack of integrity, dishonesty, theft, lies, deceit, the "we can get away with it" mentalities in breaking the laws on the books, falsified documents, lies under oath, incompetence in government and corporate, with promotion by quotas, not merit.
Someone may call it racist to say, so what, I've seen minorities who were promoted because they were minorities, and they were an embarrassment in their incompetence each day at work. And that is what people of those minorities told me, not my words, not my feelings, but theirs. The talk in the lunchroom, or even more revealing, the talks on the smoke breaks, smokers or not...the truth comes out about things like that. Employees say things like this: "So, to advance in this company, I have to play stupid?"
And the answer is Yes.
 My blog comment, done. Apologize, should put it all on the blog...okay, gonna do that instead.
So, the graphic of if you do #2 , shown with fingers, or, #1, again, fingers, do this: drawing of washing hands. Intention: To reach all illiterates in this nation. To reach all the non English reading people who've invaded this nation. The dietary aides who deliver the trays. The nurses' aides. The medical assistants. The cleaning lady. And, also, visitors to the patients' room who cannot read or write English. For the rest of us, it's an insult. It's a way to communicate to the most ignorant among us, and an insult to the other 98%, but that doesn't matter at all. Just a sign in English and Spanish would do: Employees Must Wash Hands before Leaving Restroom. That's all. English and Spanish. And, by the way, PMJ, oh, the hair follicles rise on the neck when a person gets paperwork from the state of Minnesota, via Ramsey County, where sits the state capital and many of the top government offices of that state. For medical aid, for social security supplemental income, SSI, for disability, even, for ebt food stamps or ebt cash, which is what comes in, and for me, it was based on a future SSI award. Which, then, was backdated, and paid nothing for so many months when I'd needed it most. Caught in the nonsense of the feds and the states "civil servants," and add to that, the limitations put on all of it, by lawyers creating business for other lawyers. It is a nation controlled by the lawyers. Live with that fact.
As to that sign, the lawyers approve of it, covering most, if not all, people no matter what their origin, their native language. In Minnesota, interpreters are provided for Hmong, Vietnamese, Chinese, Somalian, various other African languages, European languages, French, German, Hungarian, Russian, Finnish, Swedish,Norwegian, Japanese, Filipino, and the Native Americans, too, Sioux, Chippewa, Cherokee, Apache. Yes, our tax dollars at work.
So, life in America, in so  many ways, it just sucks. To get the @##9 patio door blinds replaced took a year, and even then, only by complaining about the manager briefly to the one maintenance man. Which brought the repairs. Yet, also, a stern lecture from the apartment manager, so often gruff and unfriendly, and, as her assistant told me, "She stops being a Christian at work." So, I was lectured to, told to never ever complain about her to any maintenance man or any resident. Yet, it took just that, complaining, to get them to do the work needed. Why, I was told I was not a priority, the cleaning of the swimming pool was. Although replacement of blinds, after asking month after month to get them replaced, flimsy easy breakable crap blinds, it took all of five minutes. Well, fifteen for the manager who can't figure them out. Replaced three blinds, took her fifteen minutes to do a one minute thing. Incompetence, even at the simplest of things. So, it's no wonder she's crass, immediately asks, when I go to the office, What do you want? As in, "I want you to get the hell out of my life, right away, you're a nuisance to us." No, bitch, I'm the customer, don't you know that? Apparently, not. Don't you know I can call HUD and complain? I'm not an ignorant Mexican, the type of people you prefer to live here. Mexicans and crippled older ladies. Or, mentally damaged by violence from family, neighbors, acquaintances, with brain injuries. Likely, this apartment complex has about 300 people in 60 or more apartments. I have not one friend from any other one of them. Not one. Say hi to the next door neighbors when I see them. Chat for all of a minute and I'm gone and out of their life, and they're out of my life. Complaining about the manager? She can't come to grips that it was their failure to do the repairs. Their incompetence. Why? Because their maintenance men are paid so little, they come and they go. They last one month or two. And, come to think of it, have not seen that pool cleaning maintenance man lately, so maybe there is none at all now, again. The pool is not ready to open Memorial Day, as it is scheduled to be. It is filty with lawn and tree debris, dirt from the winds, just a swamp pond for now.
And...Well, guess what. It may happen with someone else complaining about her, and I'll just have to walk away and be unfriendly, refuse to engage the other resident at all in any conversation, or what happens? That resident will claim that I was complaining to them about the manager here, and all I did, from now on, would be listening to THEM doing the complaining. That's gossip for you.
The worst is from so many of the Hispanics. For the Hispanic maintenance man quickly went inside to tell her of my complaint about her not liking me because I'd had bed bugs. "Just the opposite is true," she says...Yet, with my disability, no help from her staff to remove a king sized bed mattress and box spring. I paid other Mexicans to move it. And one of them shows up at my door one night, smashed bleary eyed mumbling and stumbling drunk and asks to spend the night at my place. And, I just say no. Because the two low-life guys I allowed to stay here, even to just hang out here, just ripped me off, ate my food, did not work, kept asking for money from me or other people, expected me to be their sugar daddy just because I was not homeless, they were, and there was a reason why that was, too, lazy, lying, undependable drunks and druggies or both. So, no way you can stay here one night. Not allowed at my place.
America sucks. More often each year, it is worse.

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